Thursday, July 28, 2011

. it's about the song again . harhar ,

. one day you appeared in my life .

. and i still remember your face from that day .

. my unbeating,disfunctional , brokenheart .

. by your bright smile , it opened up ever so easily .

. suke nye .

. hehh .

. sambungan lirik tu tgkla kat video last post . 

. sbb lirik ni je yg cambest .


. the end .

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

. and this is true .

. banyak kali sangat tekan butang play tu .

. so meaningful .

. thnx 4 listening .

. and yeah , dis is for youuuu .

. the end .

Monday, July 25, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

. saya ada satu impian .

. bole tak ? .
. teringin nak buat live performance .
. nyanyi sambil petik petik gitar .

. sekali seumur hidup pon jadilah .

. lagu ape ? .

. kerispatih-tapi bukan aku .

. sekali pon jadilah .

. khas untuk andaaaaaaaaaaaaa .

. bole ke tolong penuhkan impian mutt ? .

. kehkehkeh .

. the end .

Thursday, July 7, 2011

. mutt .

. mutt mutt mutt .

. hahahahahahahaha .
.gile sudahhh .

. btw,skrg budak2 hayat tgh kelas .
. so tetibe rase nk blogging plakk .
. ape mao cerita ? .

. lagi 3 minggu nak mid sem .
. rase mcm mase ni cepatttttt gila la weyh .
. baru je habis MHS hari tu dah nak mid sem .
. lagipun setahun je kann .
. so mmg sekejap gile lah .

. meeting new people mmg bes kalau dye kene dgn kte .
. tp kalau yg vice versa tu mmg tolak tepila kan .

. haha .

. btw, xde point sgt tulis new post ni .
. yela dah lamekan xupdate.
. bnyk nk tulis tapiii malas .

. okela nanty update lagi .
. hehe .

. the end .